Jul 23, 20204 min read
Is Pet Insurance a Real Thing?
It was 2011, and as I sat on my couch, laptop on lap, an 8 week old Stuart fast asleep at my feet, I asked myself that very question. At...

Jul 23, 20209 min read
Mom was a Badass
In 2001, my sophomore year of college, I took a Women in Anthropology class. It was one of my favorite courses, though it wasn’t until...

Jul 23, 20204 min read
Seeing Eye Human
Adapting to Your Dogs Loss of Vision The morning of August 13th I noticed my 8 year old shih tzu poodle, Stuart looking at me from a...

Jul 23, 20204 min read
My Fasting Journey
"Wow, you look great! What are you doing?" “Thank you! I fast.” Followed by, “Oh, I could never do that.” Funny thing is, I had said the...

Jul 23, 20205 min read
COVID-19 has managed to single handedly debunk the idea that street harassment happens to women who are "asking for it." Rape culture...